And we're back on schedule

As you might have noticed, things look dramatically different here on This site was maintained at Virb for a number of years - until my need to update this site remotely while working with a platform that's a bit more innovative influenced me to move from Virb to Squarespace.

So, here we are.

My last entry on Ruminations was in late March. We are now in the month of May. And while Ruminations was quiet during April, my Facebook/VSCO/Instagram certainly was not. (I wasn't kidding about my need to update remotely.)

So, let's catch up a little, shall we?

A mocha, pen, and a note. Timeless Coffee, Piedmont Ave, Oakland.

A mocha, pen, and a note. Timeless Coffee, Piedmont Ave, Oakland.

This has been rocking my world.

This has been rocking my world.

We spent Easter weekend in Hollywood, California.

We spent Easter weekend in Hollywood, California.

Birds of Tokyo, San Francisco, California.

Birds of Tokyo, San Francisco, California.